For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?" Esther 4:14 NIV
While on a recent camping trip with my family I had the rare opportunity to pay for a shower. I know it sounds a little odd, paying for a shower but after spending several days with seven people (five of them male) fishing and camping, a shower was worth its weight in gold.
My daughter Brandi and I loaded up on plenty of quarters and took the necessary items to rid ourselves of the scent associated with pine trees and rainbow trout. As we deposited our money, the display window informed us of our allotted time. Brandi was in the shower next to me, we commented back and forth at how amazing the warm water felt, slowly forgetting about the time ticking away.
Halfway through our allotted time Brandi’s shower suddenly turned off, leaving her all lathered up. I however had finished all necessary washing and was enjoying my, calgone take me away moment, until she shrieked and began to panic not knowing what to do. I then handed over the bag of extra quarters for her to finish.
Brandi and I had the same amount of allotted time in the beginning of our shower but her time was up before she expected it to be. She was unprepared and unfinished.
In that moment God spoke to me and reminded me that my allotted time will expire sooner than expected. The question is… Will I be basking in His peace knowing I have done all that He has asked, or will I panic, knowing that I lost track of time and missed out on being the woman He called me to be?
Time is short and we do not comprehend how fast it slips through our hands, I want to finish well and use every moment of allotted time He chooses to give me, how about you? God gave each of us who know Him unique gifts. I pray that you are using them and being blessed.